Obi-Wan Kenobi: Small setback for Disney+ launch

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Small setback for Disney+ launch

The Obi-Wan Kenobi mini-series will not air on May 25th.

Actor Ewan McGregor announces a change in the release date for the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries: “Thank you all for your incredible support and feedback. I have important news. Our launch date has been moved two days… from Wednesday to Friday, May 27, 2022. But here’s what’s more interesting. The first two episodes will be available at launch. ”

A very strong and confused Darth Vader in Obi-Wan Kenobi

An early depiction of Darth Vader from the Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries shows the Dark Lord of the Sith in his meditation chamber. The only time he can be seen removing his helmet is to visit one or more intimate scenes with potential flashbacks.

  • “I wish I could tell you. But I swore to secrecy,” says Hayden Christensen. “We’re about to discover a very powerful Vader”
  • “His shadow will hang over most of what we do,” says screenwriter Joby Harold. And the degree of closeness between this shadow of Vader and Anakin, we still find out. But on an emotional level, he’s an integral part of the show for Obi-Wan…”
  • “I really wanted to do something based on characters and focused on them, because that’s the great thing about miniseries. You have more time to tell the real story of the character,” says director Deborah Chow. “For me, the starting point for a character is to start by figuring out who was important to him in his life. And it’s pretty hard to avoid Anakin/Vader in this scenario, especially in Revenge of the Sith. So for me it’s the result of character evolution. It wasn’t easy to get him back. It was more about who matters to Obi-Wan and where we are at the moment on the timeline with Vader. He’s not Vader from A New Hope yet, you know what I mean? Thus, we find ourselves with a character in the middle of this period. Obviously it’s still Vader, but he’s a Vader who isn’t that well trained,

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