Octopath Traveler COTC Best Units List

Octopath Traveler COTC Best Units List

Octopath Traveler COTC is a traditional turn-based JRPG created by Square Enix and Nintendo. In this game, you play as one of the game’s characters and play out one of 3 stories, i.e. Herminia the “Witch of Greed”, Titos the “Hero”and Auguste the “Dramaturg”. Along the way, you will encounter many bosses and enemies. Thus, you will need to use a good unit list. In this article, I have compiled a list of the levels of all units in the Octopath Traveler COTC from level S to level F.

Tiered list of the best units in Octopath Traveler COTC

Here is a list of the levels of all available units in Octopath Traveler COTC.

Level Name Element Job
Level S Primrose Dark dancer
Level S Lynette Fire dancer
Level S Odette Wind, Light Scientist
Level S Theo Lightning apothecary
Level S Viola Fire Thief
Level S Hasumi Easy dancer
Level S Sofia Ice Scientist
Level S Kuren Easy Warrior
Level S Eliza Easy Warrior
Level S Fiore Dark Warrior
Level Gilderoy Lightning Dealer
Level Khaanit Lightning Hunter
Level Scarecrow Wind Hunter
Level Tressa Wind Dealer
Level Heathcote Wind Thief
Level Millard Easy Cleric
Level Tikilen Wind Warrior
Level Theresa Lightning Scientist
Level Trish Wind Warrior
Level B Shelby Ice apothecary
Level B Aslit Ice Thief
Level B pia Easy Dealer
Level B Cedric Fire Cleric
Level B Madeleine Lightning Cleric
Level B Bertrand Lightning Hunter
Level B Iris Ice dancer
Level B Sigrid Lightning Warrior
Level B Barrad Fire Dealer
Level B Helga Ice Dealer
Level B Menno Wind Cleric
Level B Wingate Dark Thief
Level B Fabio Wind dancer
Level B Devin Wind Dealer
Level B Laura Lightning Scientist
Level B Noel Wind Scientist
Level B Mabel Lightning dancer
Level C Camilla Fire Hunter
Level C Rodion Dark apothecary
Level C Merritt Easy apothecary
Level C Ramona Ice Cleric
Level C Kurtz Wind Thief
Level C lucetta Ice Hunter
Level C Miles Easy Warrior
Level C Mine Easy dancer
Level C kless Lightning Thief
Level C Heinz Dark Scientist
Level C Aslan Dark Hunter
Level C peredir Fire Scientist
Level C Tahir Fire Warrior
Level C Diego Fire Thief
Level C Eunice Easy Scientist
Level C Vivian Easy Hunter
Level C Nanna Dark Warrior
Level C Yugo Ice Warrior
Level C telly Ice Cleric
Level C Jose Easy Cleric
Level C Rita Wind apothecary
Level F Dorry Dark Scientist
Level F Manuel Wind dancer
Level F Carroll Wind Dealer
Level F Evelyn Dark dancer
Level F Harry Fire dancer
Level F Connie Lightning Dealer
Level F Sariya Ice apothecary
Level F feline Lightning Thief
Level F Pearl Fire Cleric
Level F Julio Ice Scientist
Level F manny Easy Warrior
Level F Billy Easy Thief
Level F a penny Lightning apothecary
Level F Juan Dark Dealer
Level F Jorge Fire apothecary
Level F Guti Wind Hunter
Level F Sunny Dark Hunter

In the tier list above, all devices in the Octopath Traveler COTC are listed at their respective tiers. Tier S is where the best units are and should be your priority. Next comes tier A, which has great units but is not as good as tier S. Then there is tier B with good units. Level C is medium, they can work, but only in a few situations. Level F has units that you should avoid.

This was the level list of all units in the Octopath Traveler COTC. I hope this guide has helped you.

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