Overwatch 2: How to unlock all 35 heroes

Overwatch 2: How to unlock all 35 heroes

Overwatch 2 was released recently and players are excited to get their hands on some returning and new Heroes. In OW2, each hero has unique strengths and abilities that make them different from each other. This game features a huge roster of 35 heroes that need to be unlocked to be playable. Although unlocking new Heroes in this game is not difficult, but time consuming. Well, as a regular Overwatch player, you have plenty of time to grind and unlock players. Read this guide to the end and find out how to unlock all heroes in Overwatch 2.

How to unlock all heroes in Overwatch 2

Previously, there were only 32 Heroes in the game, but 3 more new ones have been added. Junker Queen, Sojourn and Kiriko are 3 new playable characters in Overwatch 2. Unlocking 15 players in this game is very fast as you only need to complete the tutorial to add them to your playlist. Here is a list of these 15 heroes:

  • Junker Queen
  • Residence
  • Lucio
  • Mercy
  • Moira
  • Orisa
  • farra
  • Reaper
  • Reinhardt
  • Soldier 76
  • torbjorn
  • Tracer
  • widowmaker
  • Winston
  • Dawn

Junker Queen and Sojourn can only be unlocked if you logged in and got them before the end of Season 1. If you can’t get them before the end of Season 1, you may have to buy them. Kiriko, the third new hero, can be unlocked with the Season 1 Battle Pass by paying 1,000 Overwatch Coins. What’s more, it’s also possible to unlock Kiriko by reaching level 55 in Overwatch 2. Next, you’ll need to complete a certain number of games to unlock other Heroes on the roster. Here is a list of the other 19 Heroes and their requirements to unlock in Overwatch 2:

Heroes Number of games needed to unlock
Genji 1 game
TWO 2 games
cassidy 3 games
ANA 4 games
Hanzo 9 games
Junkrat 12 games
Roadhog 15 games
Symmetra 20 games
Zenyatta 25 games
Bastion 30 games
Sigma 40 games
Ash 50 games
Bridget 60 games
May 70 games
Doomfist 85 games
Batiste 100 games
Sombra 115 games
Wrecking ball 130 games
Echo 150 games

That’s all you can do to unlock all the heroes in Overwatch 2.

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