Overwatch 2 Tracer Counters: Top 3 Hero Picks

Overwatch 2 Tracer Counters: Top 3 Hero Picks

Tracer is a damage character in Overwatch 2 that is quite difficult to counter. Her Blink and Recall abilities make her difficult for snipers or characters like Roadhog to catch. But there are a few things you can do to stop it. So in this guide, let’s check out the best counters for Tracer in Overwatch 2.

How to Counter Tracer in Overwatch 2 – Best Heroes

Tracer can be countered if you have characters on your team that can keep up with her. So these 3 characters are best used against her:

  • Winston
  • Sombra
  • torbjorn

Winston is the best hero to deal with Tracer in Overwatch 2

Winston is a very mobile character considering he is a tank. So while Tracer can run around the map, Winston can very easily follow her. But when playing as Winston, you don’t have to run as Tracer. Instead, you should be ready to attack her when she tries to flank her. By properly timing your jumps and using your Tesla Cannon, you can take away some of her health. Proper use of Primal Rage can also help you finish her off.

But playing as Winston, you should focus more on getting in her way. If you can kill her that’s good, otherwise you should coordinate with your team so they can finish her off when she uses Recall.


Sombra is a great counter for Tracer in 1v1 combat. She can use her Hack to disable her abilities, thus preventing her from using Flash or Recall. Now that both of these characters are in damage class. You will have to fight each other to destroy the other. But since your hack can still work while playing as Sombra, you will be able to finish her off a lot faster before she finishes you off.


Torbjorn is not as fast as Winston and does not have the disable abilities of Sombra. But Torbjorn has his turret, which unexpectedly can counter Tracer. Its turret has a shooting type that can follow it and fire if it is within range. The best part is that it stays deployed until destroyed, and you can even repair it with Forge Hammer.

That covers this guide to the best hero counters for Tracer in Overwatch 2.

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