According to the FBI, in 2022 Americans lost more than $10 billion due to internet scams.
Online scams have taken a huge toll in 2022 in the United States. Fewer cases are reported, but more.
If you know someone who has been the victim of online scams of any kind, know that you are most likely not alone. Hackers and other intruders multiply malicious operations in an attempt to extort money from you. All means are good or almost. And these are huge sums. In 2022 alone, Americans reported $10.3 billion worth of such incidents, according to the FBI. Net increase from $6.9 billion reported in 2021.
Internet Fraud Caused Massive Damage in 2022 in the US
Although the number of complaints is decreasing (800,944), some cases of fraud have been very problematic. Investment scams are among the most popular and profitable methods. Fraud-related losses jumped from nearly $1.5 billion in 2021 to $3.3 billion, and most of it came from cryptocurrency fraud, where losses rose from $907 million to $2.6 billion in 2022.
However, there are some improvements as well. While investment fraud is on the rise, ransomware complaints have dropped significantly. The US service registered “only”2,385 complaints of this kind of digital extortion attempt, up from 3,729 the previous year, resulting in an estimated $34.3 million in total theft. And if phishing is the most represented scam with over 300,000 complaints, then the damage is very limited, $52 million.
Fewer cases reported, but more
However, the FBI warns that these numbers may not reflect all of the online scams that Americans have suffered. Indeed, not all victims report themselves to the FBI, as assistant director Timothy Langan explained. However, he also says the reports help authorities identify possible trends and best deal with threats. In any case, investigations today know better the problems that need to be solved, and that’s even if they don’t know about all the scams that make the victims.
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