Apple Mixed Reality Headset Subscription?

Apple Mixed Reality Headset Subscription?

Apple could launch a subscription service with its mixed reality headset, but what could it be used for?

If the various rumors currently circulating about the Apple ecosystem are true, the Cupertino-based company may be able to formalize a new product in a few months, its first mixed reality headset. We’ve been hearing about such a device for years now, and 2022 could be the year we finally see it. That being said, perhaps the Apple brand is doing more than releasing a simple helmet, so to speak.

Apple may launch a subscription service with its mixed reality headset

Indeed, if a recent TrendForce report is to be believed, not only will Apple release a mixed reality headset, but it is also entirely possible that the American giant will launch a subscription service to accompany this new product.

The report in question explains: “Large shipments of Oculus and Microsoft products are likely to force Apple to bring similar products to market this year. That being said, according to TrendForce, given hardware performance needs and profit margins, Apple is likely to target the commercial market and adopt the same pricing strategy as HoloLens, namely a multi-thousand-dollar product and software solution based on monthly billing. subscription.”

But what could it be used for?

We know the Cupertino-based company is currently a big fan of the subscription model, to say the least, as the Apple brand has managed to generate significant “fixed” revenue over the years. Therefore, it would not be surprising to know that he is preparing to launch a new subscription, this time for his mixed reality headset.

However, at this stage, no one knows what this subscription might look like. What could it offer? How much is it? We will certainly have to wait until Apple is ready to formalize its earbuds to find out. Until then, be patient.

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