The Complete Guide to Using Carl Bot for Discord Roles

The Complete Guide to Using Carl Bot for Discord Roles

Managing a contention community can be time consuming. Carl Bot will help you complete tedious tasks so you can spend your time on highly profitable projects.

Learn how to use Carl Bot for Discord roles.

What is Carl Bot?

Carl Bot is a contention server program that can execute various commands. It manages the discord community by performing common tasks such as sending welcome messages, performing react roles, logging actions, or providing custom commands.

Carl Bot can also be used to manage permissions and roles.

First of all, we need to understand what dissonance is. It’s a community based chat app where people beat drums about their niche hobbies, gossip about TV shows, or lend a helping hand. Most gamers hang out on Discord. All this chatter takes place on a discord server.

Administrators manage the community or discord server. As the owner of a discord server, managing this community is like moving mountains.

You have to deal with spam, verbal warfare, or people who behave inappropriately.

All in all, managing a discord server is a terrible waste of your time. How then to save time? Well, Carl Bot is here to save you.

We’ll take a look at how you, as a Discord server manager, can make your life a paradise.

How does Carl Bot compare to Mee6?

Carl Bot and Mee6 are discord bots used to perform various actions. Here is a table showing how Carl Bot compares to Mee6:

Carl Bot Mee6
Typically used for maintenance and response. The most popular use is for leveling and autocleaning.
It’s not for beginners The commands are easy to learn.
Can be used for different tasks It is only used for certain functions.
It has different reaction roles which are provided for free. You will need to buy a premium to use it for reaction roles.

What are the features of Carl Bot?

Distinctive features of Carl Bot are:

  • This helps to distribute the roles of the reaction
  • Displays welcome messages
  • Provide powerful automatic content moderation
  • Implement bans and unban brawlers
  • You can create a StarBoard to increase user engagement
  • It can help create viral memes
  • Creates logs and stores chats

How do you use Discord Carl Bot?

Here is how you can set up Carl Bot for your Discord server:

  • Open the official website of Carl Bot in your browser
  • In the upper right corner, click Sign in in the upper right corner
  • Now log in with your Discord account credentials.
  • Click on a Discord server from the list of available ones.
  • Finally, see what rights you give Carl Bot to your server and then click Continue.

What are the roles of the Karl Both reaction?

Reaction roles are assigned or removed titles depending on your reactions to emojis. For example, if a person responds with a heart to a message, then Carl Bot can assign him the role of your fan.

In addition, it provides powerful moderation features, such as the color of posts will change depending on your level.

Reaction roles encourage participation in the community. They provide you with a bottom-up organizational structure for your huge server.

You can assign members roles such as moderator and employee. This chain of command ensures that everything is coordinated while you are sitting in your chair.

How to use Carl Bot for Discord roles?

To install Carl Bot React Roles in Discord, follow these steps.

  • Open the Carl bot dashboard by logging in.
  • On the left sidebar, select the “Reaction Roles”option.
  • Now click the “Create a new react role”button at the top.
  • A new window will appear asking you to select a mode. Here is a table showing the functions of the different modes in Carl Bot:
Mode Function
Publish Corrects a message on your discord channel
User ID It turns the current message into a reaction role message.
Message ID Turn your last post into a reaction role post
  • Click Post Embed Mode if you want to create a react role directly from the toolbar.
  • Under the mode bar, select the channel on which you want your message to appear. You can try to choose start work.

Warning: Set up a channel for users who can’t chat so new users can view your message right away.

  • Click the Add Smiley button, and then select an emoji from the group.
  • Select the role you want to assign by the emoticon. You can also give users multiple roles at the same time when they click on the same emoji.
  • Create a message that will be shown to users keeping in mind what it shows by clicking which particular emoji will give them which role.
  • Show the meaning of each emoji.
  • Finally, click the “Create”button to create the role.

Voila, you’ve created reaction roles on your discord server just like that! All new joining users will be asked to take on the role of reaction.

How to change react role in CarlBot?

Follow these steps to change the react role in Carl Bot:

  • Open the site and click “Manage”.
  • In the settings panel, select Reaction Roles.
  • Click the Edit button next to the post you want to edit.
  • Now the react roles popup will appear. Click on the X to remove the reaction.
  • Click Add Smiley to change the reaction role.
  • Finally, click the Save button.

What are custom tags in Carl Bot?

Custom tags in Carl Bot create custom commands that guide Carl Bot to specific tasks. TagScript is used to tell Carl what to do. Carl Bot understands this language in order to change its behavior accordingly.

Custom tags are used to create a basic menu of color roles, create and track user milestones, or provide a list of complex rules.

With Carl Bot, you can also create a custom captcha checking system. However, learning TagScript can be frustrating. Stay tuned to see the easiest way to customize Carl Bot with custom tags.

How to create custom tags with Carl Bot?

Custom tags in Carl Bot only understand TagScript, which is a block language. Blocks come together to deliver a message to Carl Bot.

Here are some general instructions for creating custom tags in Carl Bot:

  • Start Tagscript blocks with a left curly brace { and end with a right curly brace }
  • Explore some of the default Carl Bot variables like {args} and {message}.
  • Take a look at Discord Objects and Discord Object Properties.
  • Now you have a general idea of ​​using TagScript. Here is a table showing the most useful carl bot commands:
The quote tag was created to work with Discord’s quote system. Raphael
Creates/removes auto-replies that are triggered when you are mentioned. Raphael
PUBG Mobile Info Label Rafael and Gucci Potato
Displays information about the color of your input or a random color. Accepts multiple input formats. Eliza

How to create a magazine with Carl Bot?

The Carl Bot Log keeps track of all activities that happen on your server. It tells you who has joined the server and people who have left the server and looks at rude behavior. In other words, Carl Bot becomes the eyes and ears of the server administrator.

To create a log using Carl Bot:

  • You must have a channel on the server. If you don’t have a channel, then first create a channel. You should also make a separate channel for sending logs.
  • Open the Carl Bot Dashboard.
  • On the Moderation tab, navigate to the logging options.
  • Select your channel from Default Log Channels, Member Log Channel, Server Log Channel, Voice Message Log, and Message Log. This channel will be controlled by Carl Bot.
  • Now click on moderation.
  • Select the channel to which you want to send log reports.
  • All logs will be sent to this channel.

What are preset messages in Carl Bot?

Preset messages in Carl Bot are used to send custom messages to users who join the server or those who leave the channel.

Carl Bot is widely used to send welcome messages. You don’t have to print a hefty post for every new user. Similarly, preset messages can be used to send farewell messages.

How to create a welcome message with Carl Bot?

Follow these steps to create a welcome message with Carl Bot:

  • Open the site and click “Manage”.
  • Now select the server you want to manage and click “Welcome”in the left pane.
  • Click Show Embed Builder and choose a color for the message.
  • Open a new tab and find the Google image you want to insert along with your post. Copy the link to this post.
  • Use Ctrl+V to paste the link into the URL of the icon.
  • Enter the server you want to send the message to.
  • Give a title and description.
  • Open Discord, right-click the channel ID to open the details, and then copy the channel ID.
  • Enter channel link as <#channel ID>
  • If you want the member’s DP to be displayed, enter {user(avatar)}
  • In the last step, select a channel and click the Save button.

What does Carl Bot Automod do in discord?

Card Bot Automod is essentially a discipline controller on your server. This helps manage noisy members, moderate the language, issue warnings, and then kick out the rude members. In addition, it also has the ability to filter spam.

For example, if someone writes f**k, Carl Bot will moderate the message and then send a warning text.

You can set Automod to remove all those members who post repetitive useless messages such as spam or unruly users after a few warnings.

How to create a Carl Bot Auto mod on Discord?

To create a Carl Bot Auto mod on Discord, follow these instructions:

  • Create a mute role and log channel in discord app
  • Open the Carl Bot control panel.
  • Swipe from the left to see “Settings”and in the “Moderation”section, click on the “Automod”tab.
  • Now select the log channel and mute the role

Let’s take care of the bad links. For this:

  • Click “Punishments”to see the available list, and then select the appropriate punishments.
  • On the Punish After tab, set the number of times you want to give the user a chance.
  • Click on the save button
  • Fix MentionSpam messages and bad invites in the same way.
  • Most importantly, in the Bad Words tab, add words and set appropriate punishments.
  • Continue clicking the Save button for each setting.
  • At the end, click log in to save all settings.

Final Thoughts

Carl Bot is a jack of all trades. Learning to use Carl Bot is a bumpy road. However, once you get the hang of using it effectively, you can work wonders.

Karl Both’s most common use is for reaction roles. Other meager tasks such as banning bullying and finding a language can also be done by Carl Both.

However, the golden hair of Carl Bot is that you can customize everything to suit your needs, taking everything to the next level. Start using Carl Bot today!

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