Overwatch 2 rank system (explained)

Overwatch 2 rank system (explained)

With the launch of Overwatch 2, it marks the end of all servers of its predecessor. At the same time, OW 2 has undergone major changes to the rank system. This left several original OW players confused as they were stuck at the same rank. The current ranking system revolves around your gameplay, not just winning matches. So here is our guide explaining the rank system in Overwatch 2.

How the rank system works in Overwatch 2

There are two main ranked modes in OW 2. These are the role queue and the open queue. While the role queue blocks your team composition, the latter allows you to choose any character. Heroes in the role queue consist of two damage heroes, two support heroes, and one tank hero. You can choose any characters to get an individual rank for the role. On the other hand, you can choose any character for the open queue. But to unlock both of these ranked modes, you’ll need to win 50 Quick Play matches or purchase the original Overwatch game.

If you manage to get seven victories, you will be able to unlock your rank. You can also get a rank for losing 20 matches. As mentioned earlier, the ranking system depends on your gameplay. But you need to keep grinding these matches until you get a rank. If you’ve played competitive matches in OW 1, you may be able to get a closer rank to what it was. But it will change as you progress in ranked matches. So your rank will only be unlocked or upgraded if you get 20 losses or 7 wins in a season.

If you’re having trouble, check out our guide on how to unlock competitive play for more information.

All rank levels

Ranked levels in Overwatch 2 are broken down into seven medals. Each of these medals represents different skill levels. If you have Bronze 1, you can win seven matches to climb the ladder and advance to Silver 5. So, here are all ranked levels from lowest to highest in OW 2:

  • Bronze (5-1)
  • Silver (5-1)
  • Gold (5-1)
  • Platinum (5-1)
  • Diamond (5-1)
  • Master (5-1)
  • Grandmaster (5-1)

If you digress from ranked modes or Overwatch 2, you will have an invisible MMR. This matchmaking rating can lower your rank, but it can be restored faster than usual.

The rating system is broken in Overwatch 2

Several players in the Overwatch community have expressed their opinion on the rank system. Most players claim that it is broken and won’t let you advance past Bronze Master 5. No matter how many wins or losses, players are stuck at the same rank. While players know that the rank system is focused on quality gameplay, they get confused if they ever climb the ladder. Some players might be a little annoyed that you didn’t get any losses, but you didn’t get a rank. This has led several players to conclude that the rank system may be bugged or broken.

While there is no word from Blizzard yet, we can only hope that the developers address or acknowledge this issue.

That’s it for the rank system in Overwatch 2.

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