Havoc repository opens its doors to jailbreak tweaks with root support

Havoc repository opens its doors to jailbreak tweaks with root support

Since the vast majority of modern jailbreaks for iOS and iPadOS 15 and 16 are unrooted, it’s no surprise that tweak developers have begun releasing non-rooted versions of their tweaks that are compatible with the latest dynamic.

Also important is the fact that the Havoc repository, which is one of the leaders in terms of hosting jailbreak tweaks these days, tweeted late on Wednesday that it would start supporting the files. deb both root and non-root for jailbreak tweaks..

This means that developers of jailbreak tweaks can place both root and non-root jailbreak tweak files in the Havoc repository to make it easier for users to download the desired package. Prior to this announcement, some developers were creating their own repositories specifically for non-rooted packages.

Shortly after the Havoc repository announced the no-root packages, iOS developer iCraze, who just this week launched a new Nexus tweak to bring iOS 16-style lock screen customization to jailbroken iOS 14 and 15 devices, was one of the first to announce the no-root package. publishing their tweak in the Havoc repository.

It’s unclear if all developers will take advantage of Havoc’s new recognition. For example, a few hours after Havoc was announced , TrollStore developer @opa334 said that if the BigBoss repository didn’t accept rootless packages, they would likely upload rootless versions of their jailbreak tweaks to the Chariz repository instead.

In any case, the acceptance of jailbreak tweaks with no-root support in major repositories like Havoc goes a long way. As modern jailbreaks adapt to this new dynamic, providing a smooth transition for users keeps people interested in jailbreaking and makes it easier to download packages for jailbroken devices without rooting.

Are you excited to see Havoc making this change? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below.

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