Coming Soon to Windows 11: More Reminders When Your PC Doesn’t Comply

Coming Soon to Windows 11: More Reminders When Your PC Doesn’t Comply

If you’re running Windows 11 on one of the many PCs that don’t meet its strict system requirements, your experience so far has probably not been much different than someone running it on an “officially”supported system. Despite numerous warnings that Microsoft may not provide core security updates for these devices, so far they have received the same updates at the same time as “supported”PCs.

But that doesn’t mean these PCs will get updates all the time, and Microsoft still wants you to know that your PC is not supported if it doesn’t meet the system requirements. To this end, Twitter user Albacore discovered a message at the top of the Settings app that will remind you when your PC is not Windows 11 compliant. To date, these reminders and warning messages have appeared before and during the Windows 11 setup process, not after.

This new message is one of several new experimental features lurking under the surface of Microsoft’s current test builds of Windows 11. Others that the company recently noted may or may not ever see the light of day include customizable “stickers”for desktop, a sustainability rating for measuring and improving your PC’s energy efficiency (Windows Experience Index shades), the possible return of some tablet mode features that were removed when you migrated from Windows 10 to Windows 11, and an improved overflow mode for your taskbar when on it has too many icons.

Image listing from Microsoft

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