Splatoon 3: List of all salmon bosses in Salmon Run

Splatoon 3: List of all salmon bosses in Salmon Run

Salmon is back in Spaltoon 3 and there are a lot of new bosses to deal with. There are 12 of them in the game, each with different attack patterns and different weaknesses. But the best part is that you can easily deal with all of them. So in this guide, let’s check out all the salmon bosses in Splatoon 3 that you can fight in Salmon run and how to defeat them.

List of all salmon bosses in Splatoon 3

There are a total of 11 salmon bosses that you can face in the salmon run. They are:

  • big shot
  • drizzle
  • fish stick
  • flipper flopper
  • flying fish
  • Graze
  • Scraper
  • Flap lid
  • steel eel
  • Steelhead
  • Sting

And a special boss, King Salmon, also known as Kohozuna. Here’s what you should know about each of them:

big shot

The big shot is the boss that really helps you out. He will come to the area to establish a canon for his own use. The good part is the canon he sets. The bad part is letting him use it. So make sure you use an attack and take out Big Shot before he can use canon. You can use the canon to shoot the golden eggs directly into the basket.

Drizzler is a Splatoon 3 boss in Salmon Run

Drizzler is a boss who carries a shield with him. He will launch rockets and then come out of hiding. When the spam attacks are over, make it explode. You can also hit his missiles to knock them back.

fish stick

Fish Stick is a strange boss that is not only difficult, but tedious to deal with. So when you encounter, shoot his pillar and climb to the top. Shoot all the fish until they are destroyed.

flipper flopper

Flipper Flopper will shoot a big ring at the spot where it lands next. You must hurry there and fill this ring with your ink. So when Flipper Flopper tries to dive, he won’t be able to do so. Now shoot him and make him explode.

flying fish

You need to throw two bombs at his rocket launchers, one for each launcher. This will destroy him. But the problem is that you only have a short window for this. As soon as it closes, Flyfish will start attacking. His attack is aimed at you and your teammates. You will need to wait for it to stop and open its rocket launchers before trying again.

Maws – Salmon Boss for Splatoon 3

Mouse is not a difficult boss if you are fast. The wombs drop bait and you can see green rings indicating where it will spawn. As soon as you see the bait, throw a grenade at it, and as soon as Mous tries to take the bait, thinking it’s you or one of your teammates. Instead, he will eat the grenade and explode.


There are two ways to deal with this. You can use the help of a teammate when one player distracts him and the other attacks in the back. Or another strategy is to continuously attack Scrapper until he is stunned. Once this happens, go back and shoot him in the back until he is destroyed.

Flap lid

Slammin’ Lid is another easy boss to deal with in Salmon Runs. There are two things you can do. Or move to a higher ground that will allow you to directly aim at his head. Shoot him in the head until he explodes. Or get into his strike zone and quickly leave him before he crashes into you. He will crash to the ground and you can climb up on the lid to start attacking his head.

steel eel

Steel Eel is very similar to Scrapper, maybe even simpler. Unlike the scrapper, the driver is clearly visible from behind. The strategy is similar to letting one player get distracted while another attacks them from behind. If you’re playing solo, you can try to get right behind to attack. Try to be on the move, as he can easily turn the eel into an attack.


Shoot the bomb at his head to make him explode on his own. This will take care of that and also prevent the bomb from being launched towards the player. If Steelhead manages to launch his bomb, it will cover the area in ink when it explodes.


The Stinger is another enemy on the lighter side. He has some dirty pots that he has stacked up to give himself the height to attack. Your goal is to knock down each of these pots. Once all the pots are gone, you will eliminate Stinger.

Royal salmon kohozuna

Finally, this is a boss that you can rarely encounter, unless you choose to spawn one. There are two ways to deal with this. You can spam him with your weapon. And if you have golden eggs, you can also use them to attack.

This is a guide to all the new salmon bosses in Splatoon 3 that you can fight in the salmon run. If you’re planning on getting involved in salmon hunting, check out our list of the best weapon tiers to help you take on these bosses with ease.

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