Square Enix Montreal transforms into Onoma

Square Enix Montreal transforms into Onoma

Onoma is the new name for Square Enix Montreal.

Now Square Enix Montreal owner Swedish publisher Embracer Group has decided to change the name of the studio behind mobile games Hitman Go, Lara Croft Go and Deus Ex Go to Onoma because it’s easy to pronounce in French and English.

??’? ????? ?????? ???! ?
What’s in the name? All! Today Square Enix Montreal becomes ?????!

⭐New name, new look, same studio. We are still us, but in a new and improved version!

Learn all about our rebrand history https://t.co/dicQiG8UKe

— Onoma (@StudioOnoma) October 6, 2022

An Onoma spokesperson says:

Our strength has always been our ability to evolve and adapt to market trends and changes. Our rebranding as Onoma is a further evolution that we are excited to undertake. Our new identity will guide many products, programs and initiatives, each with its own identity. We designed the Onoma brand to be flexible and allow us to look to the future, connect with different audiences, and grow with the market. Our name and look may change, but we are still who we are: a studio that encourages creativity and innovation and always puts people before products.

Onoma, a new journey within the Embracer Group

Onoma means “name” in Greek, and names open up endless possibilities.

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