Overwatch 2 Career Profile Stats Not Updating: How To Fix

Overwatch 2 Career Profile Stats Not Updating: How To Fix

The recent release of Overwatch 2 got all the fans excited to check it out. Apart from a lot of new content, there are also some problems, bugs and bugs plaguing OW2. One of them includes an issue with updating career profile statistics. Due to this issue, players are unable to save and track their career progress. Don’t worry, check out our guide on how to fix career profile stats not updating in Overwatch 2.

How to fix stats not updating in Overwatch 2

There may be several reasons for encountering this problem. We suggest updating Overwatch 2 to the latest version before using any of the methods.

So, here are a few ways to solve the problem with career profile statistics not updating in OW 2:

Merge accounts

  • Launch Overwatch 2 on PC or console.
  • When you launch the game, you will be presented with a cross progression menu.
  • You need to select the “Continue”option and scan the QR code.
  • Enter your account credentials and verify them to merge your accounts.
  • Now wait for a while until your stats are transferred. This process may take a little time as the servers can be very busy.

Restart RV 2

This classic workaround works in most cases.

  • First, close Overwatch 2 and sign out of your Battle.net account.
  • Then launch the game and log into your Battle.net account.
  • Check if your career profile statistics are updated.
  • If that doesn’t work, you can also try restarting your PC or console.

While this method worked for some players in the community, it took more than one restart for other players.

For players who want to transfer their progress from Overwatch 1, this may take a little longer. This is because the player database is currently very full. While Blizzard has yet to announce anything about this issue, we hope they address this issue in their upcoming patch.

That’s it for career profile statistics that don’t update in Overwatch 2.

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