Stray: How to Play Mahjong with Robots (Cat-A-Strophe Prize)

Stray allows players to go on a feline adventure following a cute feline cat. As you venture deeper into the neon-lit Cyber City, you’ll find yourself accompanied by several robots. While some help you get through outside, some are busy doing other things. One such activity involves playing mahjong with your robot buddies. But can we play along with them? In a way, yes! And you will also get a PS trophy for it. So here is our guide on how to play robot mahjong in Stray to get the Cat-a-strophe trophy.
How to play mahjong with robots in the game Stray (Cat-a-Strophe Trophy)
You need to get to chapter 9 to play mahjong with robots. As you progress, you will come across several robots living in Antville. Once you get there, you need to go through and cross the bridge that connects the village. Then turn left and go up the stairs. You will find a column drawing robot and two robots playing mahjong with each other. Before you meet and interact with these robots, jump on the table to interrupt their game. Once you knock down the pieces, you’ll get the Cat-a-Strophe for ruining their game.
It may not be what you expected, but it is an absolute treat for cat lovers. In my opinion, this may be the most realistic way for a cat to play mahjong.

Image source – PS5Trophies on YouTube.
So, all you need to do is get to the Antville region as you progress through chapter 9. Go across the bridge and up the stairs on the left to find the robots playing mahjong. When you knock pieces off the table, two robots will express great disappointment. You can stay for a while to enjoy their displeasure.
If you’re curious about chapters and how far you’ve come, check out our guide on how many chapters are in Stray. For those wondering if the cat dies at the end, check out our guide for all the details about the ending (spoiler!).
This is all about how to play robot mahjong for the Cat-a-strophe trophy in Stray.
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