Disable Do Not Disturb Mode on Android: 8 Best Ways

Many times during the day, our mobile phones demand our attention. Even in the middle

How to Change Age on TikTok on Android and iPhone

TikTok recently released an update to make their platform more secure. Due to its privacy

How to Unlock an Android Phone: 7 Best Ways

When you buy a cell phone from a carrier, it is usually locked, which means

How to join two images side by side on Android/iPhone

Want to make a collage by joining two photos side by side? Well, most people

7 Best Tools to Open Zip Files on Android Devices

Now you can open zip files on Android devices like never before. Due to differences

Android System Settings for Speech and Voice Recognition: The Best Guide

Android comes with many special and innovative built-in features and apps. But among all other

The Hidden Meaning of Those Mysterious Dial Pad Keys on Your iPhone or Android Phone

You may not have noticed, but there are some cryptic buttons on your smartphone keypad

6 Efficiently find where downloads go on Android phone

Android phones are used by almost 90% of people in the world. In most cases,

Google May Only Provide 64-bit Android to Pixel Tablet

Android 13 hit AOSP the other day and the source code dump includes an interesting

How to find out how many GB is on your smartphone

How to find out how many GB in your smartphone. This is a question that