Top 10 Best iOS Apps of 2021 from Apple

Looking for new iOS apps to install? Here are the top 10 of this 2021

To retain its employees, Apple will receive bonuses of up to $180,000.

Apple is trying to preserve talent by offering significant bonuses to employees who can be

Worker protests and widespread illness forced Apple to put iPhone factory on trial

Reuters reported that Apple has opened the Foxconn factory that makes the iPhone 12s and

Apple Music: the entire catalog is finally available in lossless quality

Apple appears to have redesigned its entire Apple Music catalog to add lossless quality to

An iPhone without a physical SIM port could arrive as early as 2022

An iPhone without a physical SIM port may arrive sooner than expected. This feature may

Apple iPhone 14 Pro could have 8GB of RAM

The iPhone 14 Pro may have 8GB of RAM. What about other models of this

Apple Allegedly Hired Meta’s Director of Augmented Reality Communications

Apple would have poached Andrea Schubert, Meta’s director of communications for augmented reality. His role

In the Netherlands, Apple is forced to offer third-party payment methods for dating apps.

The Netherlands is forcing Apple to offer alternative payment methods in its App Store, but

The iPhone 15 could get rid of the SIM card port

The iPhone could do without a SIM card slot. Another step towards an iPhone without

iOS 15: Adoption rate is much slower than its predecessors

The iOS 15 adoption rate is slower than previous versions, but still pretty respectable. With