Zoom calls are unreliable, and ChromeOS now has universal microphone and camera toggles

Google is soon enabling all users to universally restrict access to their video cameras and

ChromeOS Luckily Will Finally Let You Change Keyboard Shortcuts

ChromeOS devices have become a lot more useful since Cr-48. With apps for Linux and

What’s new in Chrome and ChromeOS 107

Chrome and ChromeOS will soon be updated to version 107 with their new features. Presentation

Chrome OS update automatically transfers photos from Android to your Chromebook

Google announced Chrome 103 on Thursday, making it easier to share photos from Android to

How to remap keys on any keyboard

The keyboard behavior of our computers is subject to change up to a point regardless

Steam is coming to Chrome OS in alpha

Steam Alpha is coming soon to Chrome OS on a very limited number of Chromebooks.

Oops: Google has announced an alpha version of Chrome OS Steam, but it’s not ready yet

Google said yesterday that the alpha version of “Steam on Chrome OS”has gone live, but

Hotel chain switches Windows PC to Chrome OS after ransomware attack

Finnish hotel chain hit by ransomware switches 2,000 Windows laptops to Chrome OS. Our electronic