Best screen protectors for 12.9-inch iPad Pro 2022 (M2)

The all-new 12.9-inch iPad Pro 2022 has received some much-needed performance and utility improvements. But

Apple may be working on a version of macOS for the iPad Pro

A version of macOS for the M2 iPad Pro rumored to arrive in 2023 could

Specifications iPad Pro 2022

On Tuesday, Apple unveiled a lineup of new iPads in traditional and Pro models that

Apple Unveils Completely Redesigned 10th Generation iPad, Announces iPad Pro M2

Today, Apple unexpectedly announced several new products with little fanfare other than a store page

The new iPad Pro M2 captures ProRes video and supports the Apple Pencil hover gesture.

Apple’s new iPad Pro M2 supports ProRes video recording, a new hover gesture for the

The new Apple iPad Pro M2 will appear in just a few days

The new Apple iPad Pro M2 will arrive in just a few days. Apple will

The next iPad Pro may have a new Smart Connector with four pins instead of three.

The updated Apple Smart Connector may have four magnetic contacts instead of three, and the

Best game controllers for iPad Pro in 2022

Recent improvements to the iPad Pro have made gaming on the iPad very accessible. You

Best game controllers for iPad Pro in 2022

Recent improvements to the iPad Pro have made gaming on the iPad very accessible. You

Apple is working on an OLED iPad Pro

The next iPad Pro may have an OLED screen with an LTPO panel for a