App stuck on iPhone or iPad? 9 solutions to the problem

Are you often stuck with frozen apps on your iPhone or iPad? I can tell

How to prevent photos from showing up in Spotlight search on iPhone and iPad

While Spotlight is a great feature, it does have a slight cone. Whenever you search

How to Find Blocked Numbers on iPhone

One thing we can all agree on is the fact that we have all blocked

How to Secretly Messaging on iPhone

The Notes app on iOS lets you collaborate. And this feature provides the ability to

Can’t add a card to Apple Pay on iPhone and iPad? 11 real fixes

Apple Pay lets you add cards and make payments through your iPhone and iPad. It

How to pin your Netflix profile via iPhone, Android or PC in 2022

Netflix allows you to create multiple profiles for different people. But if you’re sharing your

Best Plant Identification Apps for iPhone in 2022

At the moment, you can find an app for just about anything on the App

Best Invoicing Apps for iPhone and iPad in 2022

If you are a small business owner or freelancer, creating and managing invoices takes up

The Best Free International Calling Apps for iPhone and iPad in 2022

Most domestic calls are charged at affordable standard rates. But for international calls, the phone

How to automatically bypass CAPTCHAs for apps and websites on your iPhone, iPad or Mac

If you hate matching images or typing letters for human CAPTCHA verification, you’ll love Apple’s