Apple Maps for iPhone Tips and Tricks

Apple Maps, the built-in navigation tool developed by Apple for iOS, isn’t the most popular

Best photo apps for iPhone in 2022

Gone are the days when you needed a DSLR to take amazing pictures. The best

What is WiFi privacy warning on iPhone and how to fix it

My iPhone had a Wi-Fi privacy warning on the screen. Many regular iPhone users would

How to speed up videos on iPhone and iPad

Want to speed up the video on your iPhone? iPhone gives you the ability to

Sandmarc Leather Collection Review: Leather is so good it ages like wine

What you need to know about the Sandmarc leather collection: Sandmarc Leather Collection is a

App not working or opening on iPhone? Here are 11 real fixes

It is applications, both Apple’s own and third-party ones, that complement the capabilities of a

iMessage not working on your iPhone? 10 real fixes

Some of the features that make iMessage different from a regular text message and some

iPad & iPhone Apps ON SALE Today – June 25, 2022

Everyone loves to save a few dollars! That’s why we’ve rounded up all the best

iPhone apps are FREE today! – June 25, 2022

Most of the best iOS apps are paid, but there are often great deals. That’s

Are Safari tabs disappearing on iPhone and iPad? 10 working fixes

Here are some quick fixes: You can turn off auto-closing of Safari tabs by going