How To: 20 Things Your iPhone’s Volume Buttons Can Do Besides Volume Control

The volume buttons on the side of your iPhone aren’t just for adjusting the volume

18 Best iOS Home Screen Ideas

The iOS 14 model has opened up many ways to customize the home screen. You

How to Share WiFi Password from iPhone to Android Device

The password is the key to our digital information. It protects our privacy from cyber

How to Change the Default Snooze Time on Your iPhone Alarm

Turning on snooze won’t help you much if you fall asleep again, but it will

iPhone 14 Pro could get new A16 chip, iPhone 14 could come with A15, says another report

Apple is expected to release the iPhone 14 line in the coming months. A couple

Does iPhone automatically change time zone? Top 5 Answers

If you’re the type who always relies on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac to tell

2 Best Ways to Remove Crescent Moon on iPhone Text Messages

Many people mistake the popular crescent moon symbol in iPhone text messages or the crescent

iOS 16 will finally allow always-on screen on iPhone

iOS 16 is making headlines ahead of WWDC 2022. Some of the new features are

How to set a screen lock password for Android and Apple iPhone

Phones have become an integral part of everyone’s life. It stores a lot of personal

iPhone 14 Pro can finally get this Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra feature; Design leaked in alleged Apple Pay video

The iPhone 14 series is rumored to debut in September 2022. A recent leak claimed