These Hacks Make Your iPhone Apps Play Different Background Sounds When You Open Them

You can play background sounds in iOS 15 to help you focus, stay calm, or

The Complete Guide to Using Safari Extensions on Your iPhone for High-Octane Web Browsing

You’ve probably already used a few Safari extensions on your Mac, but if you haven’t

Drag and drop emails from iPhone to notes, reminders and other apps in iOS 15

Drag and drop functionality for the iPhone has been around since at least iOS 11,

Razer RGB Smartphone Cooler Connects to iPhone Using MagSafe

PC gamers know about heat. When you’re in the midst of an intense gaming battle,

Apple reaches quiet truce over iPhone privacy changes

Apple has allowed app developers to collect data from 1 billion iPhone users for targeted

Apple won’t have to let iPhone apps use third-party payments tomorrow

Apple won a last-minute injunction that would have required the company to allow iPhone and

Apple iPhone 12 is available at a massive discount on Flipkart: everything you need to know

The Apple iPhone 12 is now available at a discounted price on Flipkart. From December

Apple will produce fewer iPhones in response to weakening supply and demand

According to a new Bloomberg report, Apple has told suppliers that demand for the iPhone

How to Delete Cookies and Site Data on iPhone

If a site does not load properly on your iPhone, it may be due to

How to enlarge iPhone screen

Zooming in on the iPhone screen is very easy because Apple has integrated a dedicated