After 6 long months, Android phone finally cloned iPhone 14

Hearty congratulations to Android manufacturer Realme for being the first to clone Dynamic Island for

How to View WiFi Password on iPhone or iPad

Sometimes it is very convenient to see Wi-Fi passwords on iPhones. Interestingly, the information is

How to Create a New Apple ID on iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC, Android

Your Apple ID gives you access to various Apple services such as iTunes, the App

Best travel accessories for iPhone in 2023

Your iPhone is one of the most advanced technologies on the planet. From entertaining to

How to use guides in Apple Maps on iPhone, iPad or Mac

Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, you’ll probably want to find

“Unknown accessory detected” message on iPhone: how to deal with it?

If you’ve ever lost your keys, wallet, or the like, I’m sure you’ve silently wished

Apple Introduces Yellow iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus, Silicone Cases in Four New Colors

In addition to yellow phones, Apple now offers silicone cases for the iPhone 14 and

Emergency SOS service via satellite extends to six more countries

In the latest expansion of the service, the number of countries in which the Apple

How to Fix Wi-Fi Privacy Warning on iPhone

Were you also puzzled by getting a “Privacy Warning”alert? Wi-Fi Privacy Alert is an iOS

How to Fix “SOS Only” Problem on iPhone

Imagine a day when we won’t be able to use most of the basic functions