35+ Tips and Tricks for Safari for iPhone in iOS 16

Safari gets better with every iPhone update. And iOS 16 brings a host of new

How to Organize TV Shows and Movie Lists on iPhone with Sofa Time

The Sofa Time iOS app helps you track and organize TV shows and movies. It

The iPhone Has New Siri Skills You Should Try Out – Here Are The 13 Best

It’s easy to miss the updates Siri received with iOS 16, especially if you’re not

How to share your location via satellite in the Find My app on iPhone

Take advantage of satellite connectivity to share your exact location via satellite using the Apple

Amazing Dynamic Island Wallpaper for iPhone 14 Pro (Free Download)

If you have an iPhone 14 Pro or 14 Pro Max, you can have a

How to Delete Photo Albums on iPhone in iOS 16

Many apps, especially those used for messaging or image editing, automatically create albums in the

How to return to the iPhone settings screen | iOS Setup Assistant

Sometimes it happens that we accidentally set the wrong settings when setting up our new

How to Share WiFi Password from iPhone to Android 

Our digital information is password protected. It protects against online threats to our privacy. Share

How to translate foreign languages ​​directly from the iPhone camera

iPhone allows direct translation of text in a foreign language. The Live Text feature is

How to Add Notes to Your iPhone or iPad Home Screen and Lock Screen

Velcro is great for quickly writing down a short sentence or a to-do list item.