Rootless jailbreak support for iOS 15 and 16 has been added to the CarBridge modification that opens CarPlay-restricted apps in vehicles

If you own a jailbroken iPhone and a car with CarPlay capability, you’d be doing

A number of enhancements were made in the v1.1.31 upgrade of the Zebra package management.

The Zebra Team published version 1.1.31 of the Zebra package manager app as soon as

BetterAlarm is updated by NoisyFlake to fully support iOS 15 and iOS 16, as well as the latest Dopamine jailbreak

The well-liked jailbreak tweak BetterAlarm by NoisyFlake has just been upgraded to support iOS 15

Updated to version 1.0.1 of the Dopamine jailbreak with bug fixes and enhancements

Late Tuesday night, developer Lars Fröder (opa334) released the Dopamine jailbreak tool for A12-A15 devices

With Bolders Reborn, you can do more with the folders on your jailbroken device

You might want to look at a recently published jailbreak modification called Bolders Reborn by

Jailbreakers may view real-time GPU information in Metal-based apps via MetalHudLoader.

Have you ever wished you could evaluate the GPU performance of your smartphone? You would

With noquickies, eliminate the Quick Action buttons from the Lock Screen.

The Lock Screen serves as a firewall between the contents of your smartphone and the

The Relic theme gives the app icons on your Home Screen additional impact.

Check out Relic by Shaun, a recent release, if you’re looking for a modest yet

Set backdrops with Marie for the phone dialer and passcode interfaces on hacked devices.

A free jailbreak modification dubbed Marie by iOS developers Luki120 and Ben216k may be of

Certain jailbreak customizations that need rooting can be converted into rootless ones with the new Derootifier program.

The majority of the jailbreak community is starting to transition to the rootless dynamic, which