Meta is preparing to open the doors of its Horizon Worlds to American and Canadian teenagers

Meta is gearing up to open the doors of its Horizon Worlds to American and

Meta will use generative artificial intelligence for advertising

Meta will use generative artificial intelligence for advertising. And this AI must ultimately serve the

Meta introduces an AI that can identify an object that has never been seen before

Meta represents an AI that can identify an object it has never seen before. An

Thanks to its “quests”, Meta will give you something to do in Horizon Worlds.

Meta announces its quests for Horizon Worlds, the giant’s way of empowering its network’s users

Paid Meta Certification Program Launched in the US

The Meta Paid Certification Program is rolling out in the US, but Meta needs further

New wave of layoffs at Meta

Meta is preparing a new big wave of layoffs. We need to cut back on

Meta will work on a decentralized competitor to Twitter

Meta is reportedly working on a decentralized competitor to Twitter. This application now responds to

Meta adds Messenger back to the blue app

TikTok has built-in messaging features, so of course Meta is now bringing back the Messenger

Meta agrees to change its VIP cross-validation program without disclosing details.

Meta takes a step in the right direction with its cross-validation program, but it’s far

Meta plans to release its first real augmented reality glasses in 2027

Meta will launch its first true augmented reality glasses in 2027. Until then, several other