Meta War vs Apple AR/VR: Who Will Rule the Virtual World?

Apple’s war on Meta AR/VR is at its height right now, as there are solid

Meta introduces Telegram channels in its Instagram app

Meta introduces Telegram-style “streaming channels”to its Instagram app. This feature should expand quickly and appear

Meta plans more layoffs

Meta plans to lay off even more. The details of this new wave are due

Meta is working on making it possible for you to scale Instagram stories with pinches

Zooming in on Instagram Stories with the familiar pinch gesture will make it easier to

Facebook now has 2 billion users

Facebook now has 2 billion daily active users, and Meta will continue to bet big

Meta is considering offering its own alternative to Twitter

Meta will consider offering its own alternative to Twitter. The American giant continues to copy

Meta abandons Portal smart display and smart watch project

Meta would have decided to stop all development around Portal and its smartwatches due to

Meta is expected to announce massive layoffs in the coming days.

Meta is about to announce a big wave of layoffs very soon. Several thousand positions

For a moment, Apple was bigger than Amazon, Alphabet, and Meta combined.

Apple is certainly an American tech giant that is doing its best right now. It

Mark Zuckerberg to testify in FTC v. Meta case

The FTC will call Mark Zuckerberg to testify in the acquisition of Within Unlimited. The