Tencent reportedly scrapped plans to release mixed reality products

It is reported that Tencent has decided to abandon its XR product plans and is

Don’t Nod believes Tencent will become its largest shareholder

With a new fundraiser from Don’t Nod, Tencent became the first shareholder of an independent

Tencent hires Sean Layden as strategic advisor

Sean Leiden is Tencent’s video game strategy advisor. More than a year after joining the

Ubisoft: Guillemot family joins forces with Tencent

Following a €300 million investment by Tencent, the family holding company Guillemot Brothers, which controls

Sony and Tencent become shareholders of FromSoftware

FromSoftware issued new shares of its capital to Sony Interactive Entertainment, a subsidiary of Sony

Tequila Works acquired by Tencent

Chinese giant Tencent acquires a majority stake in Tequila Works. By becoming the referent shareholder

Impropable sells Inflexion Games to Tencent

Tencent acquires multiplayer gaming subsidiary Improbable. In an effort to accelerate its metaverse business, primarily

Level Infinite, the premium gaming label from Chinese giant Tencent

Tencent introduces its publishing label Level Infinite, which is dedicated to delivering high-quality games to