Twitter will soon launch encryption for direct messages as an optional feature

Governments have been able to read the contents of your private messages on Twitter before,

Twitter raises character limit for paid users to 10,000

Twitter is increasing the character limit for paid users to 10,000. Enough to attract (and

Twitter no longer displays the differences between the old certification system and the new (paid) one

Twitter and the drama of certified accounts, a multi-act story far from over. Twitter certified

Twitter publishes code that it claims determines what tweets people see and why.

Twitter delivered on one of CEO Elon Musk’s many promises by posting on Friday afternoon

T2, another Twitter alternative from former platform employees

T2 is another alternative to Twitter. She was able to get the attention of a

Twitter’s recommendation algorithm is now available on GitHub

Twitter publishes the code of their recommendation algorithm on GitHub, but there are still some

Elon Musk values ​​Twitter at about $20 billion

Elon Musk values ​​Twitter at around $20 billion (only) and Twitter Blue is still a

Twitter may soon let you hide what you pay to use the platform

Will BLU soon be able to hide that we’re paying BLU? This will probably make

Experiment: Does AI write Twitter better than humans?

Everyone is talking and tweeting about AI. You’ve probably heard it all by now: AI

Starting April 1st, even users who have been certified to Twitter Blue will have to place an order.

Twitter is preparing to remove the blue check marks from previously Blue-certified users. To save