Team17 Drops NFT Plans Just 48 Hours After Announcing It

Team17 Drops NFT Plans Just 48 Hours After Announcing It

Team17 is burying their NFT project 48 hours after it was announced. Therefore, there will be no “MetaWorms”(for now).

Today, many companies are adopting and integrating NFT into their products and services. The case is becoming more and more massive, but it seems that not all attempts of this kind are perceived equally. The video game industry, for example, has a hard time accepting this idea. Team17 recently announced their intention to bring NFTs to Worms through the “MetaWorms”NFT project, but it looks like the project is now buried.

Team17 buries its NFT project 48 hours after announcement

For those who don’t know, Team17 is the developer and publisher of the iconic Worms license, games you may have played in the late 1990s, the community and even some development partners, the project had to be shelved altogether.

So “MetaWorms”won’t (for now)

Apparently, the situation even with development partners has become so tense that some of them immediately announced their intention not to work with the studio in the future if it continues on this path. Taking into account the feedback from their community, Team17 quickly made the decision to close this project. And all this will be decided only 48 hours after the official announcement of his plans.

In any case, it is interesting to note that Team17 tried to go down this path. Ubisoft has already tried to do the same, namely to implement NFT in their games, but the operation with the players failed. However, although NFTs are not as popular in video games and among gamers (with the exception of games that need to earn money), their popularity among collectors continues to grow.

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