Now you can download offline music to Spotify for Apple Watch without iPhone

Now you can download offline music to Spotify for Apple Watch without iPhone

Spotify for Apple Watch now lets you download individual songs, entire albums, and playlists for offline listening without using your iPhone.

  • What is happening? Spotify has added new features to its Apple Watch app, including the ability to download playlists and albums for offline listening.
  • Why care? Previously, offline music downloads were managed in the iPhone app. Now you can select offline songs, albums and playlists right on your wearable device.
  • What to do? Update your copy of Spotify for iOS [ App Store link ] on your iPhone to install the latest version of the Apple Watch app.

Spotify for Apple Watch offers offline playlists and albums

In May 2021, Spotify launched offline listening on its watchOS app, requiring the iPhone app to select individual tracks for offline listening on the watch.

You also couldn’t download entire albums or playlists through the watch app. This update fixes that – now you can select offline music on your watch without even taking your iPhone out of your pocket. You can easily select individual songs, albums, or entire playlists to listen to on your Apple Watch without an internet connection.

The update includes several quality of life improvements.

More visual look of the library and other changes

For example, you can now swipe a song from the list to like it, just like in the iPhone app. The Library view has received a redesign, including larger images, animations, and blue dots next to new episodes, making it much easier to find new content from your favorite creators. Read: How to Download Spotify Playlists and Podcasts on Apple Watch for Offline Use

Compared to what it was before, the new interface makes listening to music from your wrist a more enjoyable experience.

Previously, the Library view was just a boring text-based list of titles.

And touching the song no longer triggers playback. Instead, you’ll see a new screen with options like downloading and shuffling music. Last but not least, Spotify for Apple Watch will now correctly resume playing a podcast from where you left off on the other device, instead of restarting the episode from the beginning.

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