Tinder will no longer charge older users for premium

Tinder will no longer charge older users for premium

Tinder is phasing out the age pricing policy. It should disappear completely by the end of the second trimester.

Like many modern online platforms, and not just in the online dating market, Tinder offers premium features that users can unlock by paying a monthly subscription. That being said, for some rather odd reason, Tinder varies the price of this subscription based on the age of the user, with older users having to pay more to enjoy the same features.

Tinder drops age pricing policy

A decision that caused some controversy at the time it was made, and if you felt it was a real injustice, know that there is good news on that front today. Indeed, today Tinder has decided to return to a single system. So, according to the company’s press release, we learn that older users will no longer have to pay more to take advantage of premium features. “Last year we stopped offering promotional pricing to our young users in the US, Australia and most recently the UK. Most recently, we announced that by the end of the second quarter of this year, we will completely eliminate this age difference in prices for all of our users in all countries.”

It should disappear completely by the end of the second trimester.

The company defended this initial pricing policy, saying that when it launched the subscription, it wanted to make it cheaper and more accessible to younger users who may still be in school or just starting their professional careers. The platform also confirms that other factors such as sexual orientation, gender, race, or religion have never influenced the score.

Tinder has now abandoned this price differentiation in the US, Australia, and the UK. It will only become ancient history in France and around the world in a few months, towards the end of the second quarter of 2022. A little more patience.

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