Tinder and No More publish guides for healthy dating

Tinder and No More publish guides for healthy dating

Tinder and No More publish guides to healthy dating, risk reduction, and continued comfort.

Tinder has launched a healthy dating guide series with No More, a global nonprofit working to end domestic violence and sexual abuse. These guides cover various topics at all stages of the meeting. Some dwell on potential warning signs, others on how to approach the subject of sex. There are also safety tips for visiting a date in person, respect for each other, etc.

Tinder and No More publish guides for healthy dating

These guides, written in a very accessible way, also aim to bring you back to the center of the debate by reminding you that you don’t have to force yourself to play a role, that if you’re not thirsty, you don’t drink, that you aren’t forced to immediately share personal data, and so on. In other words, take your time, do whatever you want. All of this content is available on the No More website and now on the Tinder app for two weeks. It appears through a swipe card that redirects users to the site.

With over 1,800 affiliates worldwide, No More works to change culture, mindset and awareness. According to the organization, one in four women and one in nine men, unfortunately, experience violence from a partner in their lives. One in three women and one in six men have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime.

To limit risks and always feel comfortable

In this No More study of online dating, the organization found that 72% of young people aged 18-25 are concerned about their emotional safety and physical well-being during a meeting. Pamela Zaballa, CEO of No More, explains, “Given today’s focus on dating apps, one of our goals is to offer guides on how to connect with someone you chat with online.”These guides are “another positive step in creating a dating conversation.”

Tinder has launched various security tools and protocols in recent months, including a new verification tool. “The launch of these healthy dating guides is a welcome addition for our members,” said Rory Cozoll, trust and safety product manager at Tinder. “By working with No More, we can continue our mission to help those new to online dating find healthy relationships.”

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