Tomaito, TimeWave, Albums and more apps to try this weekend

Tomaito, TimeWave, Albums and more apps to try this weekend

It’s the weekend again and I’m really glad it’s time for another one of our app reviews of the week. We’ve got some great options this week, including an AI-powered cookbook, a powerful timekeeping assistant, and a great music app. And, as always, we have chosen a new fun game for you.


And the award for the most original use of Ai goes to… Tomaito (get it, it’s Tomato with Ai inside). It seems that the desire to implement ChatGPT in everything has finally caught up with the creators of the recipes. This app uses the GPT-3.5 and Dall-E-2 algorithms to create delicious and creative recipes tailored to your preferences. You can search for recipes based on diet, dish type, cuisine, cooking time or difficulty, or available ingredients. You get 10 recipes for free, but after that you have to start making in-app purchases.

Download for free

TimeWave – time manager

This is not just another timer app. This is the favorite timer app of your favorite timer app. With TimeWave, you can create sequential timers for tasks like cooking, productivity, and personal training. This way you don’t have to reset any timer at the end of each task. You can simply create a workflow in TimeWave that includes multiple timers at specific intervals. The all black and white design is stunning, there are plenty of icons for quick input and customization, and you get powerful editing and shortcut features. Yes, I could just start random timing this weekend – that’s how cool this app looks.

Download for free

Albums – Music Library

Remember the original iPhone OS? All your music was stored in the iPod app, and it was very simple and focused: that’s where your purchased/downloaded music resided, and while you could filter/sort it in various ways, most of us listened to and browsed albums. Today, the Apple Music app is extremely bloated with algorithms, playlists, and other things that don’t apply to your music. Albums is an app that wants to bring back the ease of listening to music. It’s beautifully designed, focused, has a powerful search feature, and connects to Apple Music. Yes, this is the perfect app to check out this weekend.

Download for $4

Sid Meier Railways!

Sid Meier Railways! finally appeared on mobile devices! It’s a mixture of a train model and a railroad management simulator where you have to lay rails and optimize routes to create a profitable network of cities and industries and eventually become the greatest railroad baron in history. Frequent readers of this column know that I usually highlight free or very cheap games for readers to actually play, but I’m happy to make an exception here. Even if you think trains sound boring, the strategy and simulation games aren’t much better than Sid Meier. This too seems like the perfect app (or game) to check out this weekend.

Download for $13

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