Twitter is testing warning labels on your own tweets

Twitter is testing warning labels on your own tweets

Twitter is testing manually adding warnings to its own tweets to alert its followers to potentially disturbing content.

Twitter is a platform that offers a fairly limited number of features that allow users to post short messages with or without media. While the task may seem easy on paper, finding the right balance to deliver the perfect experience isn’t easy. Twitter multiplies experimentation by adding features to find your recipe. Today, the platform is testing a manual warning label.

Twitter is testing manually adding warnings to its own tweets

Twitter has a number of filters and systems, whether automatic or not, to determine when tweets and/or their embedded media submitted to the platform are inappropriate for the audience. The company then simply tags those tweets to let users know that the tweet they are about to see is potentially problematic.

To alert your followers to potentially disturbing content

That being said, the company just announced that it is testing a new system that will give users more control over these warning labels. Indeed, the user will be able to post a warning in their own tweets and in the media they post on the platform. This doesn’t mean that Twitter won’t do any more checks, it just means that users will be able to use this alert system on their followers if they want to, if at all.

In any case, it’s a pretty useful feature and very practical, which can be a good way for users who want to better manage their tweets, especially if they have public accounts that they’re worried about and not that they want. people who don’t necessarily want to see this or that. Since this is currently just a test, not all users can take advantage of this feature, but if this test is successful and the feedback is good, Twitter will definitely decide to roll out this feature to the general public in the relatively near future. To be continued!

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