Twitter: Text highlighting is soon (finally) possible in an Android app

Twitter: Text highlighting is soon (finally) possible in an Android app

Tweet text selection is coming soon to the Twitter app for Android. A feature that has been around on iOS for a long time.

There are two main mobile app ecosystems today, namely Android and iOS. For application developers, this means double development (in most cases). For some, you have to make a choice, give preference to one or another OS. Large companies have the resources to develop both systems. However, sometimes one version is preferable to the other. This is the case of Twitter for iOS, the Android version is less complete.

Tweet text selection is coming soon to the Twitter app for Android

The Twitter app for Android has always lagged somewhat behind its iOS counterpart, and has been for many years, but in at least one particular respect, both clients will soon be on par. From a tweet discovered by the Android Police, we learn that Jane Manchun Wong, well known for digging through the source codes of apps and services for future features, explains that Twitter is working on highlighting text in tweets. users. An operation that iOS client users have been able to perform for a very, very long time.

A feature that has been around for a long time on iOS

This discovery initially led to some confusion among Android users, as some devices already allow you to highlight text in tweets. For example, Google Pixel smartphones have a feature called View Selection that allows you to select text on any screen to copy and paste it anywhere, but as former XDA Developers writer and Android expert Mishal Rahman explains, this tool is available. not everywhere. “Apart from the Google Pixel, I don’t know if any other devices have this feature,” he explained in response to a question from a developer who thought Twitter already allowed text selection on Android.

However, no one knows when Twitter is going to roll out this feature to all Android users. Engadget contacted the company about this, they have not yet responded. Either way, it’s strange that it took the platform so long to add such a simple feature. Better late than never, that’s for sure, and Android users will definitely be happy about it.

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