Future LG TVs Will Solve One of OLED’s Biggest Drawbacks

Future LG TVs Will Solve One of OLED’s Biggest Drawbacks

Have you ever wished display technology had longer acronyms? LG Display is here to help. The company today unveiled LG OLED EX, a proprietary OLED technology that is supposed to be brighter than standard OLED.

As you may already know, OLED stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. Part of the EX OLED EX, according to the announcement, combines “Evolution”and “eXperience”. No, it doesn’t make much sense, but it gives the brand the ability to make you feel like any other OLED is somehow inferior.

LG Display is really trying to give current OLED owners a reason to upgrade.

Simply put, the main advantage of OLED is that each individual pixel can be turned off independently, producing deep blacks and contrasts too high to measure with conventional means. But OLED displays are typically less bright than their LED counterparts.

LG’s OLED EX claims to increase brightness “up to 30 percent over conventional OLED displays.”LG Display also said OLED EX improves fidelity by improving colors and fine details such as veining on the sheet.

How OLED EX works

The difference between the standard OLED and OLED EX is that the latter uses deuterium compounds instead of plain old hydrogen. The company extracts deuterium compounds from water and uses them in diodes. Once stabilized and combined with LG’s machine learning algorithms, the diodes should become brighter and more efficient.

The algorithms work with OLED TVs up to 8K resolution and learn “individual viewing patterns”to manage the screen’s “energy input”to more accurately display the details and colors of the video content being played,”explained LG Display.

You can also expect thinner bezels from TVs using the LG OLED EX. LG Display said it was able to reduce the bezel size from 6mm on 65-inch displays to 4mm.

From Q2 2022, OLED EX will be used in all OLED TVs manufactured at LG Display’s production facilities in Paju, South Korea and Guangzhou, China.

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