Verizon partners with AR product maker Vuzix

Verizon partners with AR product maker Vuzix

Operation Verizon partners with augmented reality specialist Vuzix. What to expect

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality now have the wind in their sails. This is the least we can. And even more so with the metaverse pointing to the tip of his nose. Some big names are already well established in this area. And that’s without taking into account the many startups that are also trying to promote these technologies.

Operation Verizon partners with augmented reality specialist Vuzix

We have been hearing about augmented reality company Vuzix for several years now. In early 2019, she was in the news by releasing her first pair of smart network glasses to the general public. Having remained more or less in the background for the past two years, today he announces a good partnership with US carrier Verizon.

The two organizations have not shared details of the collaboration, only saying they will work to find ways to commercialize augmented reality technologies for use in sports and video games. These include technologies that involve learning. This partnership will pair the new Vuzix Shield connected glasses with Verizon’s 5G network capabilities.

What to expect

It’s hard at this stage to know what could come out of this partnership and still introduce any product or revolutionary technology, but it’s no surprise that Verizon is stepping up its augmented reality efforts. Augmented, virtual or mixed reality devices are often touted as the first devices to benefit from the improvements in both speed and latency brought about by 5G networks.

Similarly, it’s no surprise that the focus is on video games and sports. Indeed, among the first establishments where Verizon has rolled out its 5G services, we can name NFL stadiums. And these are just some of the places where the operator has deployed its 5G mmWave technology and where it can reach its full potential, as the density of people and therefore devices is often high enough to justify installing multiple antennas.

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