Why wait for iOS 16 to show battery percentage on your notched phone’s status bar? This Jailbreak Tweak Lets You Get It Now

Why wait for iOS 16 to show battery percentage on your notched phone’s status bar? This Jailbreak Tweak Lets You Get It Now

Anyone who’s been paying attention to iOS 16 betas should know that the most recent one has added the long-awaited battery percentage to the status bar battery level indicator on notched devices. The battery percentage remains available on non-notch devices, as it always has been.

Luckily for Jakebreakers, setting the device far beyond the default options means we can also have a battery percentage in the status bar battery level indicator, even with a notched device and without updating to iOS 16.

Many jailbreak tweaks released in the past have made this holiday possible, but given the new iOS 16 beta feature, today we’ll be covering a new free release called PLBattery from iOS developer Sugiuta.

As you’ll see in the screenshot examples above, the setting includes the battery percentage directly in the battery level indicator icon, allowing you to have more than just a visual representation of the battery percentage, but rather an actual numeric percentage to refer to.

This is a feature I’ve enabled on every iPhone I’ve ever bought, up until the iPhone X, which seemed to disable the feature entirely. It’s almost laughable that it’s taken Apple so long to include such a simple yet highly requested feature in a stock iOS installation, but as we like to say here, “better late than never.”

Sugiuta’s PLBattery doesn’t come with any customization options, but it will allow jailbreakers to get the same feature that future iOS 16 users will soon have right out of the box – a common jailbreak nuance that was the first to include high-demand features like dark mode and always-on, before Apple did.

If you’re interested in giving PLBattery a try, you can download the tweak for free from Sugiuta’s personal repository through any package management application you see fit. The tweak supports jailbroken iOS 14 devices.

Those who are not yet using Sugiuta’s personal repository can add it to their package manager application using the URL below:


What do you think about having a feature on jailbroken notched phones that will only be available to iOS 16 users? Let us know in the comments section below.

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