Download the new 2023 MacBook Pro wallpapers for Mac, iPhone and iPad.

Download the new 2023 MacBook Pro wallpapers for Mac, iPhone and iPad.

We’ve got the official 2023 MacBook Pro wallpapers and they’re available right here for you to download on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad.

For some of us, one of the most exciting parts of an Apple new product announcement isn’t the product itself, but rather the wallpaper that comes with it. And this year, the presentation of the new MacBook Pro 2023 did not disappoint with the addition of one new set of wallpapers.

This is one set of wallpapers, but it comes in two different colors, and each color comes in both light and dark options, giving you a collection of four new wallpapers to choose from.

The two different colors, named Grid Green and Grid Magenta, seem to represent two new variants of the MacBook Pro, the first with the M2 Pro and the second with the almighty M2 Max.

Following a similar design pattern, this wallpaper features green and magenta gradients, as well as some rectangular shapes with neon accents.

macbook pro wallpaper 2023





Originally made for the Mac display at resolutions up to 5K, they can be used on any device like the iPhone or iPad, albeit with a bit of shrinking and cropping to make sure they show exactly the part of the design you prefer.

Personally, I set one of these wallpapers to my iPhone and made sure to use the far right side of the image. This makes it less busy for my taste. You are obviously free to do whatever you want.

It should be noted that these wallpapers are the official wallpapers provided by Apple. They have been extracted directly from macOS and uploaded here. So while they may become available to everyone in the near future, you can get them right here, right now, for any device of your choice, without having to update your Mac and dig through the file system to find them.

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