6G launch: Prime Minister Narendra Modi says India is likely to be ready for 6G services in next 10 years

6G launch: Prime Minister Narendra Modi says India is likely to be ready for 6G services in next 10 years

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi today spoke about developments related to 5G in India at the TRAI (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of India) Silver Jubilee celebrations. Addressing the crowd and the nation at the event, Prime Minister Modi said that connectivity will determine the pace of progress in India in the 21st century.

In addition, during his speech, Prime Minister Modi also stated that we will be able to launch 6G services by the end of this decade, and our task force has started working on it. At the event, Prime Minister Modi also estimated that the rollout of 5G would add $450 billion (roughly Rs. 3,492 crore) to the Indian economy, providing a significant boost.

6G launch in India

According to the Prime Minister, the Government of India is already working on the development of 6G network in India. However, the 6G series is expected to be rolled out in India at the end of this decade, i.e. around 2030, which is 8 more years until today.

As for the current 5G situation in India, although phone manufacturers have already released many phones that support 5G networks in India, we have yet to see the commercial rollout of 5G in India. In the past, we have seen different network operators test 5G on their phones in a lab and share high speed results, but we have yet to see the same commercially anywhere in India.

With the start of 5G rollout, India’s economy is expected to expand by US$450 billion over the next decade and a half. In addition, the advent of 5G will also boost growth in all sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, education, infrastructure and logistics. It will also increase convenience and create many job opportunities. Today in India the cost of a broadband connection is about 1.75 lakh gram panchayats.

Prime Minister Modi also said that mobile communications should be made available to the poorest of the poor families, the focus was on the production of mobile phones in the country, and as a result, the number of mobile phone production units increased from 2 to over 200. He also added: out of the despair, frustration, corruption and political paralysis of the 2G era, the country has rapidly moved from 3G to 4G and now to 5G and 6G. “

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